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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 18tgdtwist, Twistor lift of TGD ???? Twistor lift of classical TGD, Problems of twistor approach ???? !In TGD loops are expected to vanish. Discrete coupling constant evolution. Cuts replaced with sequences of poles, M^4 allows generalized Kähler structure and twistor space: T(M^4)=M^4xS^2. !H=M^xCP_2 both physically and mathematically unique! ???? !Only H=M^4xCP_2 allows twistor lift! TGD unique!, Twistor lift of TGD ???? ????, Twistor lift of TGD ???? Problems of twistor approach, Succcesses of twistor Grassmann approach ???? Expression of scattering amplitudes as residue integrals in Grassmannians, Geometric twistor space as S^2 bundle over space-time surface. Different from twistor counterpart of momentum space. ???? Twistor space of H T(H)=T(M^4)xT(CP_2), Dimensional reduction for extemals to obtain S^2 bundle over X^4: S reduces to sum of 4-D volume term (cosmological constant) and 4-D Kähler action ???? Action generalization of action for point-like charged coupling to Maxwell field, Twistor lift of TGD ???? Geometric twistor space as S^2 bundle over space-time surface. Different from twistor counterpart of momentum space., Twistor lift of classical TGD ???? Conjecture: for preferred exremals space-time surfaces twistor bundle is induced twistor bundle